Craig Chaquico

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What are your goals in the next 5 years?

In this economic climate, it's easy to fell out of control. Profits are down, clients are disappearing, and right when you need the most help , your budget is cut. But instead of throwing your hand up and blaming the state of the nation, take responsibility for your future. Ignore the bad news and take action now to make the most of your business.
Yes, profits may be down, But do you know why? Does your product or service really meet your clients' needs? Paul Zane Pilzer says too many business owners get set in a pattern and forget to adapt to changing markets or demographics. Other business owners are simply running the business that's convenient or economical without ever determining if it's the right fit for their skill set and talents.

If you are like most business leaders, you are inundated with e-mails, phone calls and scheduled meetings that usurp your valuable time. You have a tough time keeping your head above water, much less innovating to stay ahead of the competition. Before you get flooded by the details, Stephen R. Covey helps you take a look at what's really important to you and your business.
Despite how distracted you are, sales have slumped almost across the board. This is a perfect time to reevaluate your approach. Stellar sales don't happen overnight. You need preparation and cooperation from the entire team.

If your brand isn't reaching consumers, you've got to spend some time on marketing, getting the word out about your product or service. And despite budge cuts, it's vital now more than every to make sure that the public sees you as the go-to source. And if you're truly serious about building your business, networking is a must. Once you get the clients in the door, customer service is the way to keep them. Do you have a way to measure your customer service success. Is every member of your team a pat of the customer service plan of action?
The economy may be in a slump, but your business success is still within your control. It's time to take the reins.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cloud Computing Job Trends |

Cloud Computing Job Trends |
Look at how fast this trend is skyrocketing!

Here's the proof that you need to jump on the BULLET TRAIN! HELLO!

I recently learned about a new company started by a family of entrepreneurs who wanted to reach people who are already using programs like Carbonite Pro and Go To Meeting, etc. These folks put together a great company and concept. It literally can save you hundreds of dollars every month and help you to market whatever you are already advertising!

I am using this Online Business Center and I find it very useful.
You can try it for a full 15 days before you pay for it, to see if it is for you!

Imagine that! FREE TRIAL FOR 15 DAYS!

If you have any questions about the SMART SOFTWARE SUITE, just ask!

thanks for reading my blog!
Sarah Lindenthal


October 21st between 7:30 and 10:30 is a meeting with the topic about using the Internet to build any business. It is called harnessing the Power of the Internet.
Get registered and show up and learn because if you show up you'll go up!
Speaker is Michelle Brubaker, MBLLC
It is going to be at Lower Columbia college in Longview, WA.

See you there!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

MonaVie, Our New Life

MonaVie, Our New Life
This story and more of them, speak for themselves!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hot Lake Springs, Manuel Museum and Foundry

Hot Lake Springs, Manuel Museum and Foundry

I want to visit this place. My mother-in-law and father-in-law bought a bronze from David and Lee Manuel in the 1990's. IT's a masterpiece. David does fine work. The Manuels used to live in Joseph Oregon. We visited their museum and foundry more than once. They are a great family.
They have been restoring this old hotel for quite a few years. Going to their site will tell it all.
We hope to stay there in the near future.

Sarah Lindenthal, PixelGigs: Bio - iMedia Connection

Sarah Lindenthal, PixelGigs: Bio - iMedia Connection
This is me and who I am and the direction I am heading! I have goals! They are posted all over my house! I am going for it! If you have similar goals, join my husband, Scott and I. CHEERS!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dave Koz

Dave Koz

Do you like HOT TUNES?
phew! you're in for a treat for your ears and's gonna rock your world!