Craig Chaquico

Thursday, April 8, 2010

John Mason speaks often of people who are meant to speak into our lives. There are also people who should not speak into our lives. Speaking positive things or speaking negative makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE. There's a quote: If you want to soar with eagles, you can't be hanging around turkeys. Whose quote is that? Help me!

If you haven't found inspiration yet, I know the place to get it. Oh, I'm referring to a web-site. But the #1 inspirational book is, of course, the BIBLE. That's the root. That's the beginning of inspiration. It's not obsolete or outdated for today.
In fact, 2 stories I got bread from today are:
Acts 10 The story of Nicodemus
John 4 The story of Jesus and the woman (Samaritan) at the well.
God caused Nicodemus to meet up with Simon Peter through an angel and the Holy Ghost, directing through his voice and guidance. It's better than any GPS or electronic device. Does your cell phone give you any direction? No, only distractions. God taught Peter to not view another person as common or unclean. Don't get hung up more in human reasoning over your faith in God.

Jesus made himself known to a woman that he shouldn't have been even talking to (to be politically correct). He put his finger on her dissatisfaction in life (her 5 marriages). She was seeking satisfaction in humans instead of God. Jesus made it known to her that she was talking to that ONE who was prophesied to come to the earth. Guess what I noticed this time? She didn't keep this excitement to herself. She went into the city and found men or people to share this good news with.

I have been learning about connecting with people. People have skepticism. People lack trust. People need hope, love, acceptance. All of us do.

But I noticed with Jesus, and this helps me see what I need to learn TO DO. Reach out! Someone is dissatisfied. Someone needs hope. We're all human. We have needs.

Oh, okay, thanks for reading down this far.
The web-site is and under videos, there's all sorts of documents and videos and web-pages for inspiration. When we are down, we do have somewhere to go.