Craig Chaquico

Friday, February 26, 2010

Law of Attraction to SUCCESS


Beyond the daily tasks of our life, we can and will do these things to achieve a higher success in life.

  1. THE LAW OF OUR THOUGHTS- You become what you think about.
  2. THE LAW OF CHANGE- Change your life by changing your thoughts.
  3. THE LAW OF VISION- What you see is what you get.
  4. THE LAW OF COMMAND- What you say is what you get.
  5. THE LAW OF HUMAN MAGNETISM- Attract the people you want to meet.
  6. THE LAW OF FOCUS AND DISCIPLINE- Keep your eye on the prize.
  7. THE LAW OF ACTION- How to do what must be done effectively.
  8. THE LAW OF VALUE- Invest your time, energy and money wisely.
  9. THE LAW OF RELATIONSHIPS- The power of being liked.
  10. THE LAW OF SUPPLY AND OPPORTUNITY-There is always enough of what you need.
  11. THE LAW OF PERSISTENCE AND RESULTS- Winners never quit! Quitters never win.
  12. THE LAW OF TRUTH- The truth shall make you free~ Financially, physically, emotionally and spiritually FREE.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Think outside the box!

We are all guilty, as humans, of getting trapped in our little box, and we have a hard time letting go of how we were raised, what our culture was and even what our religion dictates to our every move in life.
Must we go through life in such a limited way of thinking? I like the saying "A parachute works best, when it is open." How can the parachute work, if you never open it up. Do you want it to save your life, when you get to earth?
Consider the fly trapped in a room. The fly desperately bangs against the window trying to get free. His struggle is vigorous but futile, and he eventually dies. Why? It seems that the fly simply looked around, he would have noticed that just across the room was an open door~~ within a few seconds of flying, he could have been free.
That's pretty close to the first analogy. Correct?

Many whiners behave like the fly. They try harder and harder with the wrong strategy. They find either an excuse to keep doing what they're doing or they find an excuse to QUIT!

Here's a great question:
Which is more important: the power of belief or the power of persistence?

Keith Cameron Smith shares in his book, THE TOP 10 DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN WINNERS AND WHINERS:
How would you answer that question? Well, would your response be that belief is more important than persistence? Belief creates persistence. It can be a challenging thing to persevere, especially when we 're faced with failure, rejection or loss, but belief gives us the confidence we need to persist in the face of those unexpected barriers.
Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!" It's a deeper truth than most people realize.
WHINERS continue to find excuses for two reasons. First, because things get tough. Second, because they don't believe they can prevail.

Find a way and believe there is a way! Whiners find an excuse because they don't believe they can succeed.