Craig Chaquico

Friday, February 26, 2010

Law of Attraction to SUCCESS


Beyond the daily tasks of our life, we can and will do these things to achieve a higher success in life.

  1. THE LAW OF OUR THOUGHTS- You become what you think about.
  2. THE LAW OF CHANGE- Change your life by changing your thoughts.
  3. THE LAW OF VISION- What you see is what you get.
  4. THE LAW OF COMMAND- What you say is what you get.
  5. THE LAW OF HUMAN MAGNETISM- Attract the people you want to meet.
  6. THE LAW OF FOCUS AND DISCIPLINE- Keep your eye on the prize.
  7. THE LAW OF ACTION- How to do what must be done effectively.
  8. THE LAW OF VALUE- Invest your time, energy and money wisely.
  9. THE LAW OF RELATIONSHIPS- The power of being liked.
  10. THE LAW OF SUPPLY AND OPPORTUNITY-There is always enough of what you need.
  11. THE LAW OF PERSISTENCE AND RESULTS- Winners never quit! Quitters never win.
  12. THE LAW OF TRUTH- The truth shall make you free~ Financially, physically, emotionally and spiritually FREE.

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